General Summary  

The General Summary provides a quick overview of the general statistics for the entire web site during the report time frame.

General Summary
2.Host URL
3.Program start time Aug 4, 2024 13:35
4.Time of first request Jan 1, 2024 00:06
5.Time of last request Aug 3, 2024 22:54
6.Successful server requests 248,541 Requests
7.Successful requests for pages 211,826 Requests for pages
8.Failed requests 73,471 Requests
9.Redirected requests 5,562 Requests
10.Distinct files requested 6,166 Files
11.Distinct hosts served 18,588 Hosts
12.Total data transferred 3.874 GB

This report was generated on August 4, 2024 13:35.
Report time frame January 1, 2024 00:06 to August 3, 2024 22:54.

Web statistics report produced by: analog 6.0 / Report Magic 2.21